Telling Tales
Short stories written and presented by Jeff Price. Tales from all around the world but many of them set in Northern England and South West France. Some are true (nearly) and most are the product of an over active imagination, sometimes funny, sometimes dark but always entertaining,
Also check out my blog at https://threescoreandtenblogblog.wordpress.com/
My poetry website at https://jeffpriceinfinitethreads.wordpress.com/
Telling Tales
Preview Season Two
Telling Tales Season Two
First a big thank you to everyone who tuned in to Telling Tales Season one.
Over the summer I have been writing Season two which will be broadcast in the Autumn.
We’ll be meeting some characters you already know like Dochery the school bully and Mustapha Khan and Bilhal the chefs to find out what happened next in their lives. There are also some new faces like Lord Edwin Vipond and the Craxford family from North Shields. There will also be some events like Telling Tales Live with Special guests.
In the meantime, You can still catch up with any episodes you missed in Season One by clicking on the QR code or just search on your browser for Jeff Price Telling Tales. See you soon and keep listening.
If you enjoyed Season Two of the Telling Tales Podcasts, please support my podcast by buying me a coffee. It's £3.00 a cup. Click the heart logo in the top corner of the website page to donate. or if you are on another podcast provider go to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jeffpricen3. Thank you. You can contact Telling Tales direct by emailing tellingtalesjeffprice@gmail.com